About Us

Through provision of capacity building and technical assistance, Iron consultancy helps organizations in the public sector to increase efficiency, effectiveness and to continually build capabilities.

Combining its unique management knowledge and deep understanding of individuals, markets and economies, Iron consultancy partners with organizations around the world to establish and strengthen costumer relationships and provide their businesses with competitive advantage. We are
committed to assist our partners and clients in finding the best path to efficiency in an ever changing business environment. We will assist you in navigating through the political and administrative puzzle to achieve your business objectives.


To achieve the objectives of our clients we rely on a wide network of professionals not only in the Balkans but also in major European capitals as well as in Washington DC and NY.

Our Team


Through consultancy we help private and public sector to improve their performance.


Corporate Affairs Government Relations

In an ever-changing environment, understanding the political and administrative systems will enable the businesses to perform smoothly. Iron Consulting possesses understanding of the perspectives of both the business and the government. This is crucial in finding solutions that satisfy both the business objectives and the perceived public interest.


Business Development

Whether an international company trying to penetrate new markets or a local company trying to expand, our committed consultants will assist you in identifying opportunities and in adopting your skills and strengths to get there. Our experienced consultants will help you define the vision and corporate strategy based on business objectives, resources and capabilities. Foreseeing opportunities and risks will help you optimize resources and achieve success.


Public Relations

We are your address to enabling you to communicate messages to the public in conventional and creative ways. Iron Consulting will support clients and partners in the whole process from formulating to delivering messages and assessing their impact.


Public Sector Consulting

In an era of increased interdependence and constant transformation, the public sector is facing an imperative to increase efficiency and effectiveness. The quality of staffing and the inability of the public institutions to compete with the private sector for human capital make it imperative for the institutions seek external advisory support with consultancies within the private sector. After years of engaging consultancies to support the government, both the receiving governments and the donors have come to realize that engaging local consultancies is a must, to ensure success. With top level expertise in various fields, Iron Consulting is the address for technical assistance services in the fields of: Institutional Development, Private Sector Development, FDI promotion, Export promotion, Strategy drafting and implementation, Organizational environmental scans and benchmarking surveys, Regulatory review and analysis.



With a wide network and superb knowledge of the labour market in Kosovo, we provide advice and support in staffing. Our service also includes advice on HR processes.



We organize training programs tailored to the specific needs of the clients. The following training areas are covered: Financial Management Skills, PR & Marketing Skills, Management Soft Skills, Strategic Skills, Business Communication & Presentation Skills.


Iron Consulting stands ready to discuss cooperation opportunities. Please feel free to write or call us if you have any questions.


IRON Consulting L.L.C.
Tringë Smajli 12/5

10000 Prishtinë
Republika e Kosovës


+381 38 731 553

www.iron-consulting.eu info@iron-consulting.eu